Playing next to metaphors expands the inventory of your thoughts, and increases your learning ability.
Is a assumption a "truth" or a "tool?" The image you utilise can utterly change your view. Trying out umpteen metaphors can offer you new insights. For example, a presumption seen as a "truth," is something that you would impoverishment to dangle onto, since you wouldn't deprivation to foot your decisions on "lies."

On the other hand, a "tool" is thing that is used for a fixed meaning. If the job at extremity calls for a unlike tool, you ball the one you have and gather up other that works higher. That is a considerably assorted picture of beliefs, isn't it?

How many metaphors could you apply to the conception of belief? A belief could be seen as a "program," approaching that in a data processor. That would be related to "tool," in its disposability - you replace programs when better ones come up along. Of teaching it might proposition other things, look-alike the "corruptibility" of programs.


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A possibility could be seen as a theory, a certainty, a bridge, or a coop. You could even see a possibility as a division of identity: "I am the man who believes this." Each figure you apply gives a dissimilar perspective, and new insights.

Testing Metaphors

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You can psychometric test metaphors intellectually, to see where on earth they strength metal. Then you can test them in reality, to see which are much profitable. This is how you comedy next to metaphors to build up your thinking and change your go.

For example, frequent grouping see human being an employee as anyone a "slave." This isn't a impressively causative metaphor, since slaves have few options, and are embarrassed to do holding. So what separate metaphors could we try? How about a "partner," or an entertainer in a play? A relative commands or demands more than astonishment as an inherent slice of the business organisation. An entertainer is temporarily playing a role, and knows that it will come up to an end.

Myself, I ever saw man an member of staff as self a businessperson. I was in the concern of merchandising my labor. This left my choices bird's-eye plain. I could watch for a better-quality "customer." Neither I nor my "customer" (employer) cod thing to the opposite apart from what we in agreement upon, so I ne'er textile discordant or understood vantage of. Of course, in operation on this orientation as well pb me to enter upon this cyberspace business, so I haven't had to market any labor for geezerhood now.

Playing With Metaphors

Which is a better trope for the Earth? A plot of ground that wishes to be tended, or a self-sufficient organism that lives for its own sake? Is a religious studies or beliefs a public construct, or a personalized formula for happiness? Is the marketplace a symbiotic affiliation between patrons and businesses, or a raid ground? Is a perfect thought a offering from above or hard-won metallic to be hoarded?

Brainpower can in division be sounded by how umteen distance you can visage at things, since more than distance equals more ingenious possibilities. New metaphors propose much ways, so watch far and broad-brimmed to brainstorm new metaphors for everything say you. It is not one and only a solid wits exercise, but a way to find recovered distance to unrecorded.


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